How did everyone’s coffee and conversation go last week? Here is the quiz for week 2, if you have any you’d like to share with us please do send them to and we will publish them here so everyone can join in. Let’s connect communities across the country, one quiz at a time!
Which vitamin is the only one not found in an egg?
What is the chemical formula for table salt?
What is the name of the gas that makes bread rise?
What is bottled a lot in Vichy?
What is a banana called in Malaysia?
From which cactus is Tequila made?
What is the name of the pan someone makes Paella in?
Picture round
Movie quote: What 1995 Movie starring Mel Gibson had the quote ‘Every man dies, but not every man lives’.?
Which 2012 Movie starring Stanley Tucci had the quote ‘Hope is the only thing stronger than fear. A little hope is effective, a lot is dangerous. A spark is fine, so long as it is contained.’?
1988 Movie starring John Cleese ‘To call you stupid would be an insult to stupid people.’?
1998 Movie starring Robin Williams ‘Carpe Diem. Seize the day boys.’?
2008 Movie starring Christian Bale ‘I believe whatever doesn’t kill you makes you stranger.’?
Music round (play intro to Thriller by Michael Jackson)
Music round (play intro to ‘Don’t stop me now’ by Queen)
What are the colours of an archery target?
What is the sign language used by bookies called?
How many players are there in a netball team?
In which British Newspaper did the first crossword appear?
In Bingo what two numbers represent two fat ladies?
What colour and hand are Port and Starboard on a boat
Which part of a sailing boat are these? Transom, Skeg, Pushpit
In diving what is a valsalva manoeuvre?
If you go down to 40m how much pressure are you under? Sea level is 1 bar.
Picture round
What movie starring Reece Witherspoon and Vince Vaughan is about a couple struggling to get around all four of their parents for Christmas?
What American actress starred as Tokyo Underworld Boss Tak O’Ren Ishii in Kill Bill?
Which American actor starred alongside Kim Basinger in 9.5 weeks?
Who played the genie in the 2019 Movie directed by Guy Richie ?
Music round (play intro to Give me all your lovin’ by ZZ Top)
Music round (play intro to Firestarter by Prodigy)
Which plant takes it’s name from the Italian for Beautiful Woman?
Laburnum Seeds, Mistletoe Berries and Yew have what in common?
What is the sacred flower of the Buddhist religion?
Kumquat is a small Japanese variety of what kind of fruit?
What are trees that shed their leaves every year called?
Music round (play intro to Going Loco down in Acapulco by Billy Ocean)
Music round (play intro to Everybody needs somebody by Blues Brothers)
In what part of the body is a humans longest bone?
Ketosis is the result of the lack of what in your diet?
What is the most common element in the human body?
In which country was the first ambulance used?
Picture round
‘Wishful Drinking’ is the autobiography of which actress?
In ‘The Life of Pi’ what name is given to the Bengal Tiger?
In ‘The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe’ what is the surname of the kids Peter, Edmund, Lucy and Susan?
Music round (play intro to I Feel Good by James Brown)
Music round (play intro to Brown Sugar by Rolling Stones)
Picture round:
Name the famous person from their baby photo
1: Vitamin C 2.Nitrate Chloride 3. Carbon Dioxide 4. Water 5. Pisang 6. Agave 7. Paella (it’s named after the pan it’s made in!) 8. Picture Round 9. Braveheart 10. The Hunger Games 11. A Fish called Wanda 12. Dead Poets Society 13. Batman: The Dark Knight 14. Thriller, Michael Jackson 15. Don’t stop me now, Queen 16. Black, Yellow, Red, Blue, White 17. Tic Tac 18. 7 19. The Sunday Express 20. 88 21. Port - left/red, Starboard - right/green 22. The Stern 23. Clearing your nose by blowing 24. 5 bar 25. Picture Round 26. Four Christmases 27. Lucy Liu 28. Mickey Rourke 29. Will Smith 30. Give me all your lovin’ by ZZ Top 31. Firestarter by Prodigy 32. Bella Donna 33. They’re all poisonous 34. Lotus Flower 35. Orange/Citrus 36. Deciduous 37. Going Loco down in Acapulco by Billy Ocean 38. Everybody needs somebody by Blues Brothers 39. Thigh 40. Carbohydrates 41. Oxygen 42. France 43. Picture round 44. Carrie Fisher 45. Richard Parker 46. Pevensie 47. I Feel Good by James Brown 48. Brown Sugar by Rolling Stones
Picture round:
8: Churchill, Kim Jung Un, Sir Patrick Moore, Boris Johnson
25: Russia, Australia, Japan
43. Norway, Greece, Bulgaria, Germany