KS3 - The Voice of the Next Generation

We’ve just completed a successful 5 week programme at a secondary school working with Y10 girls (15 year olds). It was a wonderful thing to see them open up and engage with us as each week passed and what an insightful bunch. Overwhelming they’re all experiencing sexism, in and out of school, on a daily basis. Some believe it’s ‘too late’ to help them, the focus should be on primary schools. They firmly believe change needs to happen at two levels. Firstly, the adults they rely on as their support network need to address their own unconscious bias which is  enabling toxic behaviours to continue unchecked, or worse excused (“it’s a boy thing”). Secondly, working with boys directly, because as one of our group put it: 'It's not their fault, they don’t know, and are not being told, any better.’ 

Are you ready to help us change the world, one conversation at a time? Every corporate workshop booked enables us to go into schools and continue our work. Email us for further info togetherequal@gmail.com